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Pleasure Craft Quotation

Competitive Rates….Valuable Advice…


    Insured details

    NCD (years)


    Select additional coverages

    Hull machinery and equipment

    Third party liability

    Water skiing liability

    Crew liability

    Boat Details

    Is the vessel a catamaran?

    Type of construction

    Year vessel built:

    Mooring Details

    Type of mooring

    Cruising Details

    UK / Ireland / European Waters

    Mediterranean waters

    Other cruising areas


    In addition to Private & Pleasure, will the boat be used for skipper charter?

    Will you use the boat for racing?

    Boat Information

    Year of purchase:

    Main Engine

    Tenders & Outboards



    Basis of Survey

    Please confirm you have uploaded the surveys

    Year of Survey:

    Please confirm that all urgent / prioritised / key recommendations have been addressed and the vessel is seaworthy, or that the recommendations will be addressed prior to commissioning.



    Have you made a claim in the last 36 months?

    How much relevant boating experience have you had on similar type of boat(s)?


    Has the proposer ever had an insurer decline a proposal?

    Has the proposer ever had an insurer not invite renewal or cancel a policy?

    Has the proposer ever had an insurer impose premium increases (other than normal rate increases) or special policy conditions?

    Has the proposer ever been convicted or charged with a criminal offence?

    Has the proposer ever been declared bankrupt or insolvent?

    Please prove you are human by selecting the tree.

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